This post in The Signe of the Frothing Mug mirrors
most of my own experiences. Sometimes it happens unexpectedly. With so many
busy working schedules, family issues and other real life issues, someone
misses one session. As we are in a middle of a scenario, we take the time out
waiting for the player to return. Suddenly, someone else fails to show up on
the second week. Before we know it, we don't play for three weeks in a row, and
I begin to lose interest. After all, I'm not willing to spend time preparing a
session if I don't know whether we're playing or not. And then, the campaign
implodes as everyone loses interest. Some of us been there and done that. So,
what can we do to avoid a campaign implosion by lack of attendance?
In the past, we arranged for a quorum,
that is, if at least half the players could make it, we would still play
regardless. This almost guarantees the campaign never stops. I used this with
mixed results. I never got the sense I was playing with a cohesive group as
different players failed to show up on different occasions. I was never playing
with the full group. This meant individual storylines failed to take root and
even the overall story arcs didn't generate much interest because no player was
there all the time to play through it.
We also tried to play in episodic style.
This style meant sacrificing long, involving and complex stories for shorter
stories of 1-2 sessions. This worked better specially if there were a rotating
cast. Every story started with whoever was available and off they went. At the
end of session, they returned to their base camp (or ship or whatever) to rest.
Next session, rinse and repeat. The problem is this only works if the group is
traveling in a mobile base (a spaceship or a boat) or if the campaign is bound
within certain geographic limits and the group returns to the same place to
rest. In some games, requiring lots of travel, it becomes increasingly
difficult to rationalize why some of the missing characters manage to find the
rest of the group if they travel all the way to the other side of world.
In the end, I find that both solutions are
not ideal ones. When I start a new campaign, I just hope the players commit to
the game schedule we agree and take it seriously. Currently, we play twice a
month. We hope that, by devoting one week to gaming and another to our
families, we will maintain a regular gaming schedule and the campaign won't
implode from lack of interest generated by long gaps in play. It still doesn't
solve the problem of one player missing a session and waiting three weeks to be
able to play again, but then again, by not imposing a weekly game, perhaps the
players will show up more often because they are not forced to choose between
the game and other things so often.
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